
To Thine Own Audience Be True

Metal detectorists are truly one-of-a-kind. They display fierce loyalty, happily share their opinions, and never shy away from voicing their thoughts. When the task of updating a somewhat dated yet widely adored brand identity arose, I knew a wave of feedback was imminent. The messaging was tailored to reach a wider, more diverse audience, shifting the focus from the thrill of treasure to the passion for the hunt. While design changes were subtle and the messaging daring, the impact on revenue was anything but. Since the brand and marketing redesign, revenue, organic traffic, email, and catalog sales have all increased by 15% or more for six consecutive quarters.
Year: 2020
Client: Kellyco

We sell adventure and treasure and products we sell lead our customers to both. We can have a sense of humor when appropriate as we showcase the product and where one can go. That said, not every image or touchpoint has to be a promotion, the journey is important to us!